Facing foreclosure can be and often times IS a frightening experience. The possibility of losing your home often drives homeowners into seclusion from the rest of the world. They are afraid to answer the phone, check the mail, or even answer a knock at the door! Where do you turn, what do you do? Who can you talk to?
Prestige Properties LLC has been working with homeowners who are facing foreclosure for over 30 years, and the main enemy is TIME. There is a timeline that starts with your lender the minute you are late on your mortgage. The timeline does not stop for anything other than full repayment. THAT is why it is crucial for you to take action immediately. You do have options, but they diminish quickly as time progresses. Some of your options include, loan modification, refinancing, straight sale, short sale, etc...
Let us sit down with you and go over your options with you. There is NEVER any charge to you for this service and we deal direct with your lender for you. RELAX! There is a better way and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. call us at 410-643-3332 and ask for Kevin.
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